Racism, Reopening, and Resurrection

Racism, Reopening, and Resurrection

Racism Racism is not compatible with Christianity. Racism is a sin that separates us from God and one another. Jesus’ prayer is that we would be “completely one,” united in love for one another (John 17:20-23). Last Saturday night, Chantelle and I were out of state...
Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” is from the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray. It is a way of saying the same thing twice. God’s kingdom is that reality where what God wants done is done. Sometimes this happens here and now...
How is Your Spring Break Going?

How is Your Spring Break Going?

How is your Spring Break going? Are you enjoying the spring temperatures, sunshine, time with family, and easier pace? Are you taking long leisurely walks and soaking in the beauty of daffodils, hyacinth, and the first shoots of tulips? Are you content? Or are you...