Worship FAQs
Answered by Senior Minister, Dr. Mark Foster
Why do you take Holy Communion each week?
Mark 14:22-25, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, Matthew 26:26-29 and Luke 22:17-20
“Do this as often as you gather in remembrance of me.”
As I considered how often our church should take Communion, I came up with four reasons it should be weekly:
- Because Jesus said so.
- Because the founder of Methodism, John Wesley, practiced and encouraged Holy Communion at every opportunity.
- It connects us to our brothers and sisters in other traditions who celebrate each week.
- When I meet Jesus face to face, if he asks, “Why did you only offer me to my people once a month?” I need a better answer than, “It takes too long.”
How do you take communion?
Our ushers will direct you to come forward if you choose. You may take as much time as you like for prayer. When you are ready to receive the bread, place your hands out in the form of the cross, and our Communion Stewards will serve you the bread and offer you the cup of grape juice to dip the bread in. You will be told, “This is the body of Christ broken for you,” and “This is the blood of Christ shed for you.” If you have little ones with you, they will simply be asked to remember that Jesus loves them. This is the ancient Christian practice known as intinction.
After taking Holy Communion, you may stay and pray as long as you would like or return to your seat. At Acts 2 and One Church, we offer Holy Communion every week and welcome everyone to participate. If you are unable to come forward and would like to receive communion, please let one of our ushers know and the stewards will meet you at your seat.
Can I receive Holy Communion if I’m not a member?
Yes. All who seek to follow Jesus Christ are welcome at the Lord’s table at Acts 2 and One Church. What about the scripture that talks about bringing condemnation upon yourself if you take the Lord’s Supper with a wrong heart? We believe if you are seeking a relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior then you have a right heart. We trust the Holy Spirit and invite only those who want to meet Jesus at His table. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, understood the sacrament of Holy Communion to be so powerful that he called it a “converting ordinance.” This understanding includes both children and adults and goes as far as to say that one can come seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and be converted to Him at His table.
I have personally watched this happen at a church where I served on staff, and it was a beautiful transforming experience. We baptized the convert shortly after his conversion experience at Holy Communion.
Why is the music loud?
The music is at a level where anyone and everyone can sing along joyfully. The music is also in a range or key and in a rhythm where the congregation is strongly encouraged and expected to sing praises to God. Worship team participants are lead worshipers and not performers for the congregation. Everything we do in worship is to honor God and to be experiential, participatory, image-rich and in community.
What should I wear?
In all things, we try to follow Jesus’ teaching that the most important commands are to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. With this in mind, we try to be considerate of others by not intentionally offending our neighbors with our clothing. Normal attire at Acts 2 and One Church ranges from t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops to dresses, suits and ties. We want you to wear what is both comfortable for you and God-honoring.
After the children’s sermon, where do the kids go?
During the services, the children begin in Worship with their parents. They are invited forward for a Children’s Moment, and then they leave the Sanctuary to go to their Crew 2:42 or Club 45 classes. They are, of course, also welcome to stay in Worship with their parents if they do not want to attend class. Crew 2:42 classes are for two and three year olds, Pre-K and Kindergarten, and 1st-3rd grade. Our 4th and 5th graders have their own classes called Club 45. The children return to Worship after the message so they can take Holy Communion with their families.
What ages are welcome in the nursery?
Birth to three years old.
If you have any questions about childcare, or if you have a child with special needs, please feel free to contact our Early Childhood Director, Mandy Horneber. Mandy has a special place in her heart for children with special needs and holds a degree endorsement in Special Education Physically Handicapped.
Why do you say the Apostles’ Creed each week?
The Apostles’ Creed contains the core beliefs that the Christian Church has taught since the Council of Nicea in 325 AD and revised in 381 AD. The core beliefs have been passed on generation to generation. If you stop to think about it, the history of this is staggering.
We at Acts 2 believe it is important to understand that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves, our denomination, our country, and even our time. The church of Jesus Christ spans the century and millennia, as well as beyond state and nation. When we say that “we believe in the holy catholic church”, we are simply using the traditional definition of “catholic” with a small “c”, which means universal. Therefore, by saying the Apostle’s Creed, we state that we understand and believe we are connected to every Christian in the world of all denomination, no less than all of Christ’s followers around the globe. We share the Good News that has been passed on to us since the time of Christ and the first Christians as found in the book of Acts, chapter 2.