Your Story Matters

Courtney Blacksten


Come close and listen, all you who honor God; I will tell you what God has done for me: My mouth cried out to him with praise on my tongue. If I had cherished evil in my heart, my Lord would not have listened. But God definitely listened. He heard the sound of my prayer. Bless God! He didn’t reject my prayer; he didn’t withhold his faithful love from me.
Psalm 66:16-20


The season of Lent invites us to notice where God is at work in the world. And when we take time to notice God, we often can’t help but see that God is active in our own lives—God is a part of our story.

At the Youth Winter Retreat in January, we talked about how knowing our own story is important because it is part of God’s story. When we share our story with others, it has the power to inspire faith.

Just as Jesus used parables to share truths, we can tell our own encounters with God in ways that engage others, inviting them to think deeply and be encouraged in their faith.

For your devotional time today, take a moment to reflect on a time you noticed or experienced God at work in the world. Then, practice shaping that experience into a story.

Steps for Crafting Your Story

Recall Your God Moment – Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect. Think about a time when you experienced God’s presence. What was happening? How did you notice God? What emotions or thoughts arose in that moment?

Jot Down Details – Write down quick notes:

  • Where were you?
  • Who was with you?
  • What did you see, hear, or feel?
  • What made this moment special?
  • How did it change you or your perspective?

Craft Your Story – Shape your notes into a short story using these prompts:

  • Set the scene: What was happening before your God moment?
  • Describe the moment itself: What made it meaningful?
  • Share the impact: How did it change you? What did you learn, feel, or do differently afterward?
  • Create a connection: Is there a comparison or metaphor that might help others relate to your experience?

Note: If your story includes others, consider their privacy before sharing publicly. Ask for their permission or find a way to share your part without revealing theirs if they prefer not to be included.

Share Your Story – This week, take time to connect with someone you trust and share your story with them.

We are all storytellers. And your story of God’s movement in your life has the power to inspire faith in others. So, share your story!

God, you are marvelous. You surround me with your Spirit every day. Help me not only to notice your Spirit at work in the world around me but also in my own life. And may I become your storyteller in the world. Amen.

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