By Kyle Kaneaster
Capital Campaign Chair
On Tuesday, Feb. 20, we began a discussion about future plans for our church. Our initial discussion gathering included church leadership and those serving weekly in ministry areas. We’ve compiled some details from that initial discussion that we are excited to begin sharing with our entire worshipping community.
Our goal at the gathering was not to determine the exact details, size or scope of a building project. Instead, we were collecting information regarding the concerns and desires surrounding the way we might move forward. There have been few decisions up to this point. One of the most common suggestions is completing the project without increasing our current debt limit. Unlike our national government, we propose to limit the financial expense of the project to what we might raise through a capital campaign. We are not suggesting an increase in our current mortgage.
Doug Turner, founder of Culture of Ready, has been selected to guide us in the upcoming capital campaign. He has extensive experience in successfully performing this task with strong churches like Church of the Resurrection and Willow Creek Community that share similar ideals in expanding God’s Kingdom for its local community. Under his direction, we were able to begin meaningful conversation regarding our next phase of ministry.
It has been 5 years since our last capital campaign. That is a substantial amount of time to have gone without an “over-and-above ask” in a growing church. Participating in this project may be associated with some work and expenditure of energy. We hope this will produce joy.
The campaign and process is still in its infancy. There will be many opportunities for interaction and involvement in this work. We need to come together in conceptual agreement on the right next step for Acts 2. We will communicate the progress and structure of the campaign in multiple forms in the coming months.