Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m.
September 4-November 6
Led by Rev. Brandon Blacksten and Chantelle Foster
Companion Guide available as PDF (free) or Paperback ($22)
Optional Recommended Reading: Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer ($15)
Nursery Care and Children’s Ministry Available

Following Jesus is much more than believing certain things or avoiding certain behaviors. What Jesus invites us into is a whole new way of life. In this eight-week course, we will explore what it means to be formed in the way of Jesus, including exploring the forces the are currently forming us without our realizing it, allowing the practices of Jesus to form us, growing through pain and suffering, and living life together in community. This course will include not just teaching, but also daily practices, reflection, and group processing.

This course is part of Acts 2 University, where you can connect with others over a free meal from 5:45-6:20 p.m. followed by classes and small groups for all ages.

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