The Work of Fighting Racism: A Starting Point

My heart grieves the losses of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, who join a long line of Black people who were killed brutally and senselessly. My heart grieves for their families, for Black people and other people of color for whom the pain is all too...

Racism, Reopening, and Resurrection

Racism Racism is not compatible with Christianity. Racism is a sin that separates us from God and one another. Jesus’ prayer is that we would be “completely one,” united in love for one another (John 17:20-23). Last Saturday night, Chantelle and I were out of state...

Acts 2 UMC Goes Online Only Through May 16, 2020

Dear Church family, What a week! The Center for Disease Control (CDC) late Sunday urged “no groups of more than 50 people meet for the next 8 weeks.” Today, our bishop wrote, “All United Methodist pastors and congregations… are expected to...

Acts 2 UMC Blog

Recent Posts from the Acts 2 Team



Pastor Mark at the Santa Barbara Franciscan Mission with two Canadian Pastor friends - John Paul and Matt The happiest people I know are people of thanksgiving. No, not pilgrims with the groovy hats, but people who give thanks in all circumstances. Giving thanks is...

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Be Thankful

Be Thankful

By Rev. Andy Nelms We will not be without reminders to be thankful this holiday season. I’m not saying that we will be any more thankful, however. It seems our schedules between now and Christmas have become so laughably chaotic, that we know it’s not healthy. So, as...

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FOMO in a Culture of Never Enough

FOMO in a Culture of Never Enough

It’s not even Labor Day Weekend and yet  I’ve already started getting articles, links, and posts like the 100 Things Everyone But You Did This Summer: 1. Laughing while tossing your hair back while sitting on soft white sand and your feet in the surf, 2. Making the...

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Getting Closer

Getting Closer

On Monday, I went to Cinemark Tinseltown USA at 6001 N. Martin Luther King Boulevard in Oklahoma City. My family and I went to see Star Trek there, not because we were trying to make a statement about race relations, but because at the 1:35pm showing it is $4.40 per...

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