The Work of Fighting Racism: A Starting Point

My heart grieves the losses of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, who join a long line of Black people who were killed brutally and senselessly. My heart grieves for their families, for Black people and other people of color for whom the pain is all too...

Racism, Reopening, and Resurrection

Racism Racism is not compatible with Christianity. Racism is a sin that separates us from God and one another. Jesus’ prayer is that we would be “completely one,” united in love for one another (John 17:20-23). Last Saturday night, Chantelle and I were out of state...

Acts 2 UMC Goes Online Only Through May 16, 2020

Dear Church family, What a week! The Center for Disease Control (CDC) late Sunday urged “no groups of more than 50 people meet for the next 8 weeks.” Today, our bishop wrote, “All United Methodist pastors and congregations… are expected to...

Acts 2 UMC Blog

Recent Posts from the Acts 2 Team

3 Reasons I Love VBS

3 Reasons I Love VBS

Vacation Bible School is one of the most exhausting weeks of the year. It’s also one of the best weeks of the year. This year our theme is Block Party: Building God’s Kingdom, and I can’t wait! Here are three reasons why I love serving at VBS: 1. The whole church...

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Family Dinner

Family Dinner

By Rev. Andy Nelms My dad knew the power of sharing a meal together. He enjoyed sitting around the dinner table as a family and especially with guests. Our guests would often hear him say, “Better have some more…” as soon as they finished the food on their plate. This...

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How is Your Spring Break Going?

How is Your Spring Break Going?

How is your Spring Break going? Are you enjoying the spring temperatures, sunshine, time with family, and easier pace? Are you taking long leisurely walks and soaking in the beauty of daffodils, hyacinth, and the first shoots of tulips? Are you content? Or are you...

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Searching for Solitude

Searching for Solitude

Last fall, I stepped out of my comfort zone and did something new that turned out to be the best thing I’ve done for myself. I attended a Five-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation called “Heaven on Earth: Finding the Center in Uncentered Times.” I knew going into this...

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