Vacation Bible School is one of the most exhausting weeks of the year. It’s also one of the best weeks of the year. This year our theme is Block Party: Building God’s Kingdom, and I can’t wait! Here are three reasons why I love serving at VBS:

1. The whole church comes together. Every year at VBS time, literally hundreds of people contribute their time and resources to make the week happen. VBS is only possible with the help of the whole church coming together to bless children in our community. Last year, more than 250 children danced, sang, conducted science experiments, made crafts, played, and learned about Jesus in a safe, loving environment. Without the contributions of those hundreds of people, there is no way we could have made that happen. VBS is a beautiful picture of what happens when the body of Christ comes together to serve God’s children.

VBS Volunteers

2. I make new friends. At last year’s VBS, I had been at Acts 2 only a little over a month, and I still didn’t know very many people. At VBS, I got to meet many new people and have in-depth conversations that aren’t possible on Sunday mornings. And I got to see those same people three days in a row—four counting the celebration! For someone who doesn’t have a photographic memory, that was extremely helpful. Though I’ve met many more people during the last year, the relationships I formed at VBS still hold a special place in my heart. There is something about serving together that strengthens relationships in a way few other things can.

3. Children learn about Jesus and experience his love. This is really what it’s all about. The reason we invest hundreds of volunteer and staff hours—why we give up our evenings to spend hours with hundreds of children in triple-digit heat—is because VBS gives them the opportunity to learn about Jesus and experience his love in a way that isn’t possible at other times. For three nights, they get to learn what the Bible teaches about who Jesus is and how much he loves them—and then they get to experience it through the volunteers who embody that love!

This year, my daughter is finally old enough to participate for the first time, and I can’t wait for her to get to experience the love and joy of VBS. Knowing that she will get to learn about Jesus, experience his love through her church family, and have an absolute blast in the process makes me so excited about VBS.

VBS is a hard week. It will assuredly be hot. By the end, I will be completely worn out. And it will be completely worth it. Don’t miss this opportunity for you to serve, and for your children and their friends to experience Jesus’ love. Click here to register as a student or as a volunteer.

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