Acts 2 UMC Blog
Recent Posts from the Acts 2 Team
Summer Camp Recap
By Melissa Nelms I grew up going to church camp every summer as a child and youth. Camp played a formative role in my walk to follow Jesus and in my call to ministry. It’s one of those experiences where you can’t help but see God around every turn – surrounded by...
By Rev. Andy Nelms I’ve served at several churches prior to Acts 2 in capacities ranging from youth director to pastor. During that time, I’ve heard members of other churches complain that no one from the community ever comes to worship or a program that the...
It’s just not summer without VBS!
Vacation Bible School. Crafts, cookies with the orange drink, songs you can still sing (Deep & Wide) and stories you can still fully animate (Zacchaeus was a Wee Little Man) all rush back when you hear those words. VBS is the event of the summer, and at Acts 2, we...
Volunteering at VBS
by Melissa Brake When our family first began attending Acts 2, I was so excited to learn that they had a Vacation Bible School program. As a child, I had so many wonderful memories of VBS and could not wait for our boys to get to make some for themselves. I also knew...
Project Transformation
by Jerrod Baker I heard about Project Transformation from the Wesley Foundation at OSU when I was a sophomore in college. I was an active member at the Wesley Foundation and they informed us one Sunday that Charlie Ludden from Project Transformation was going to come...
God As Father
When I was young, my dad was the strongest person I knew. After he got home from work, he would pick me up and throw me in the air before catching me and wrapping me in a hug. We would go to the soccer field to practice, and when he would punt the ball, it went so...
Can a Church Be Neighborly?
Would you be my neighbor? Neighbor is a powerful word. It is a wonderful word - neighbor. It comes from the old word nigh. To be nigh or draw nigh is to be close to someone. The second part of neighbor is from the old German or Dutch word, bur. Bur means to dwell....
Water for Life, Action for Joy
by Jorge Moreira My father used to say that simply being concerned about a situation or about someone doesn’t make a difference. You can either act or don’t. If you act, you will make a difference, especially for those that can’t do it on their own. These words have...
4 the Kids Update
Jim Collins, author of “Good to Great,” says leaders who have the greatest impact share two qualities: humility and fierce resolve. They have a kind of tenacity and strength of character to hang in when others give up. You just can’t wear them down. I want to be that...