3 Reasons I Love VBS

3 Reasons I Love VBS

Vacation Bible School is one of the most exhausting weeks of the year. It’s also one of the best weeks of the year. This year our theme is Block Party: Building God’s Kingdom, and I can’t wait! Here are three reasons why I love serving at VBS: 1. The whole church...
One Mile at a Time

One Mile at a Time

Running long distances was never something I intended to do. In high school, I was expressly against it. I ran track, but as a sprinter, 400 meters was my limit. I had no intention of joining the insane people who ran miles and miles at a time. Something changed in my...
Reflecting and Resolving

Reflecting and Resolving

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is one of my favorite times of the year. After the rush of Christmas, as Courtney and I take off work to spend time with family, I love to look back on the last year, dream about possibilities, and make resolutions for the...
Protecting Priorities

Protecting Priorities

When I was twelve, my dad bought what seemed to me an old, run-down car after selling the SUV he’d bought brand new just a few years earlier. At the time, I was embarrassed. Now, when I reflect on that decision, I realize that he was modeling love, sacrifice, and...
Find Your Place

Find Your Place

The most powerful experiences in my spiritual life have, almost without fail, come when I’ve been part of a group. When I was a senior in high school, a good friend and I wanted to learn more about the Bible, so we joined the Disciple Bible study class in my local...