Youth Service Days

Youth Service Days

by Elizabeth Nowlin Do you ever let fear stand in the way of getting involved? In our Sunday youth class, we are learning how to live unafraid. Participating in service projects has been my favorite part of being in Acts 2 youth and has made me more confident in my...


By Melissa Nelms As a community at Acts 2, we remember our strategy together in worship every week found in Acts 2:42 where it reads, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This perfectly...
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

By Rev. Andy Nelms The morning our son, Elijah, was to be born, Melissa and I went to eat breakfast at IHOP. We were scheduled to induce labor at Lakeside Women’s Health Hospital early that morning so we rose even earlier to sneak in a hearty breakfast before the...
Why should I attend Exploration?

Why should I attend Exploration?

By Chantelle Foster Our business at Acts 2 UMC isn’t about making insiders comfortable, it’s about making room for more people to be about God’s mission. Someone who doesn’t have a church home. Someone who is in need of God’s love. Someone who is hurting or lonely....