By Chantelle Foster

Our business at Acts 2 UMC isn’t about making insiders comfortable, it’s about making room for more people to be about God’s mission. Someone who doesn’t have a church home. Someone who is in need of God’s love. Someone who is hurting or lonely. Someone in need of forgiveness and truth. Someone who longs to follow Jesus. Someone who is unsure but knows their life isn’t working as it is.

Someone like you!

Acts 2 Exploration is an event held about every 6 weeks designed specifically for our guests! I think it’s one of the best ways to determine if Acts 2 is a good fit for you. We know a good fit is hard to find, so we don’t expect to be the right church family for everyone. Exploration allows you to “explore”- to see what we are all about. It is also the perfect first step towards becoming an official part of the Acts 2 family.

Exploration begins with a tour of our facilities, a catered lunch from Hideaway Pizza and staff introductions. The highlight of Exploration for most attendees is the second half of the event where Rev. Mark Foster takes questions from the floor for a Q&A. You have an opportunity to ask any question (really, any question!) you may have! This part of the event is a great way to learn why we do what we do.

As we close Exploration, we ask for your feedback. This allows you an opportunity to write down any question you still need answered or request additional follow up. There is no obligation to attend this event. It really is intended to help you learn more about Acts 2 and what membership here means. At the close of the event, you are welcome to remain a guest of Acts 2 or to make your relationship more official by covenanting to be a member.

Our hope with Exploration is to help you discern if becoming church family with us is right for you or if we can potentially help you find a church home that is a better fit. We truly are about expanding the kingdom of God and we realize Acts 2 is one of many churches in Edmond with that goal in mind.

So, why attend Exploration? If Hideaway Pizza isn’t reason enough, you meet some new people and learn some things about Acts 2 that will help you on your journey towards a church home. It would be an honor to host you at this event! Please feel free to contact Chantelle Foster with any questions you may have.

Register for Exploration online

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