The suffering of innocent people can be profoundly troubling, and it can be a significant source of doubt. Often, well-meaning people offer explanations for suffering that aren’t actually helpful and are sometimes even harmful. But God does not want anyone to suffer. While we will face suffering in this world, we can trust that God will always be with us in the midst of it.
We have heard the God answers prayer, but most of us have also felt the pain of praying for something that didn’t happen, and it can lead us to question…
The question of what happens to us when we die is an essential one, especially when we lose someone. We explore what the Bible teaches about what comes next—God making…
One of the most troubling ideas Christians wrestle with is what happens to non-Christians after death. The idea that God would send all non-Christians to hell is difficult to reconcile with the words and actions of Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Mark explores what the Bible says and how we can trust in God’s goodness and mercy.
Everyone has doubts, but doubt isn’t something we have to be afraid or ashamed of. Doubt and questioning are not the enemies of faith, but can be a path to a deeper and more authentic faith.
On the day Jesus rose from the dead, everything changed. God has launched a new world, and because of Easter, the transformation that makes all things new has already begun!
Following Jesus has a cost. But choosing not to follow him has an even greater cost. If we choose to take up our cross alongside Jesus, he promises a life of beauty and possibility.
A transformed life is possible, but it doesn’t just happen. To become like Jesus and do the kinds of things he did, we can’t just try hard and leave it to chance. We need a plan.
The idea of doing as Jesus did can seem daunting, but that is exactly what Jesus’ apprentices are trained to do—the kinds of things that Jesus did. Find out how.
Becoming like Jesus isn’t something just for exceptionally religious people; it’s for everyone! But it doesn’t just happen. It takes a dependable, intentional process to be formed into a person who is more and more like Jesus.