
August 23, 2020
All of us have some level of anger in us, but when anger lingers, it can cause all kinds of problems in our lives. In this sermon, Dr. Mark Foster explores what the Bible says about the source of anger and how we can keep it from getting the best of us.


August 16, 2020
Envy has the potential to ruin what is most valuable and important to us. Looking around and comparing ourselves to others makes us miserable. But less is actually more when it leads to contentment. In this sermon, Dr. Mark Foster shares how we can move from envy and comparison to peace.


August 9, 2020
Guilt is to our spirit what pain is to our body. Guilt is a signal that we have acted against our personal values. In this sermon, Dr. Mark Foster looks at the role guilt plays in our lives and how we can keep guilt from getting the best of us.
God’s acceptance doesn’t come from the condition of our hearts, but the condition of our hearts does determine our openness to God’s work in our lives. In this sermon, Dr. Mark Foster shares what Jesus says about our hearts and what is most important to God.
In 15 years, the church of Jesus Christ grew from a small sect in Jerusalem to a group of thousands in Samaria, along the Mediterranean seacoast, and into modern Syria and Turkey. In another 15 years, it would spread all the way to Rome, the capital of the empire. Dr. Mark Foster tells the story of how the church grew and spread, even in the face of challenges and persecution.
We all grow up with assumptions about which people are "our people," but God moves us beyond those assumptions. In Acts 10, Peter finds himself in the 'wrong' neighborhood with the 'wrong' people, and the Holy Spirit comes to a Roman centurion and his family. In one of the great turning points in the history of the church, people who were enemies become family. Today, the Holy Spirit still invites us to broaden our circles of welcome.