Are you tired or rested? Are you anxious or at peace? Are you lonely or surrounded by love? If you want different results in your life, you must change the design of your life. This has always been true for humankind, and God made special provision for it in the Ten Commandments. This week, Pastor Mark continues our series “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by teaching on sabbath.
Have you ever tried to slow down and rest, but can’t relax? Are you busier than ever before yet you still feel you don’t have time for what really matters to you? In the second week of our sermon series, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” Pastor Mark helps us look at how we spend and use our time.
Renowned psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.” This morning Pastor Mark leads us in a new sermon series that will help us eliminate hurry and increase our happiness.
Works of service provide the opportunity for faithfulness, fellowship, and freedom. It’s one thing to serve, it is quite another to be a servant. Pastor Mark continues our sermon series by looking at what it means to be “All In” with our service.
It’s “love people and use things,” and never “use people and love things.” Harvard researchers found that to get happier, we need to change the choices we make with our financial resources. In today’s message, Pastor Mark looks at what it means to be “All In” with our gifts.
Last week Pastor Mark talked about what it looks like to be “All In” with our prayers, and he continues our sermon series by exploring what it means to be “All In” with our presence. We are present with and for God in prayer, worship, service, community, and crisis.
In today’s message, Pastor Mark begins a new sermon series called, “All In.” We’ll explore what it means to be “all in” as followers of Jesus and as a church in 2022.
Grace is free, but often takes courage and our best efforts to receive it. In today’s message, we will explore an epic fail in the Bible and how you too can start over even when you’ve really messed up.
Starting over is a moving forward to something new. There must be something new and different in order to move forward rather than backward.
Our God loves us and has plans for our good, not for harm. Our God gives us a future of hope even when we can’t see it.