Thank You

November 1, 2020
Growing up, we all learned to say “thank you” when someone does something nice for us, but did you know gratitude can actually make you happier and healthier? Dr. Mark Foster shares Jesus’ teaching on gratitude and how the words “thank you” can change the way we experience the world.
There are few words we long to hear more than “I love you,” yet the phrase is often difficult to say or hear—and even harder to live out. In this sermon from Dr. Mark Foster, we explore what the Bible teaches us about what love is and what love does.
Would you like to do your best, focused, uninterrupted work? Would you like to connect with your family? Would you like to open yourself up to the voice of God? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this sermon by Dr. Mark Foster, and especially the daily habit he recommends, is for you. It is proven to work, and it is not complicated.
We will become the stories we give our attention to. What stories are you paying attention to? Are you tired of endlessly consuming whatever story an algorithm chooses for you? Dr. Mark Foster shares two habits that can help us experience a life defined by the greater story God invites us into.