We cannot separate the kind of politics we have from the kind of people we are. Our politics desperately needs people who have put away anger, rage, malice, and slander. If we want better politics, we have to allow God to form us into the kind of people who live differently.
As long as there are people in community, there will always be politics. While politics can often go wrong, we can also choose to engage in a way that represents the love of Jesus to the world and works for the good of all God's children.
There is no lack of fearmongering during election season, but we don’t have to be afraid. While our political parties and candidates can’t save us, Jesus and his loving-kindness can, and he shows us that love is the way to create a kinder nation and world.
Biblical kindness never seeks anything but the best, even for those who seek the worst for us.
The U.S. Presidential election is 50 days away, and the atmosphere is anything but kind. Yet even small acts of kindness can make a significant difference in our communities. This election season, let’s campaign for kindness!
Broken relationships are painful, but repair is possible. Repair is a process that takes significant effort, but when we’re both willing to make that effort, with God’s help, we can experience the joy of reconciliation.
There are no perfect people. We are all broken in some way, but healing and forgiveness are possible. With God’s help, we can experience healing and even thriving in our relationships.
Character matters in all of our relationships, from our family rooms to our bedrooms to our boardrooms. Your character matters and so does the character of the people you choose to trust.
Family matters, and no family works without trust. Trust is the fuel that drives every relationship. When trust is broken, repairing it is difficult. When we can learn to build, strengthen, and repair trust in our relationships, we can experience lasting joy.
Jesus invites us into a new life with God not to make us into harsh rule-followers, but into people of love.