Acts 2 UMC Blog
Recent Posts from the Acts 2 Team
Our Family, Our Church
by Nicole Mourning Adam and I both grew up in church, but we had never been members of a church as a married couple. When our son Will was 2-years-old and I was pregnant with Jake, we decided it was time to find a church home in Edmond. After googling "United...
Why did I choose Acts 2?
By Carolyn Smith Watch Carolyn's Spotlight video More than 19 years ago (Yikes! That went fast!), I was looking through the newspaper when something odd caught my eye. It was an article about a new United Methodist Church NOT meeting on Sunday and NOT ensconced in...
by Bryan Heathcock Choices. Life’s full of them. Left or right? Heels or flats? Go for the green in two or layup? Most choices don’t carry much significance when you think about it, but where to go to church…that seems to be a choice that carries a little more...
Capital Campaign Introduction
By Kyle Kaneaster Capital Campaign Chair On Tuesday, Feb. 20, we began a discussion about future plans for our church. Our initial discussion gathering included church leadership and those serving weekly in ministry areas. We’ve compiled some details from that initial...
4 the Kids
According to the Barna Group, 6% of adult Christians made their decision to follow God after the age of 18. That means 94% made decisions as children that follow with them throughout their life. Wow! That is encouraging... and scary... and exciting. The time is now to...
Prayer 4 the Kids
When my wife, Jonalyn, and I first moved back to Oklahoma after 16 years in Colorado, it seemed logical that we would go back to the church we had left. After 3 years, it finally dawned on us that something was missing. Had we changed or had the church...
Youth Service Days
by Elizabeth Nowlin Do you ever let fear stand in the way of getting involved? In our Sunday youth class, we are learning how to live unafraid. Participating in service projects has been my favorite part of being in Acts 2 youth and has made me more confident in my...
By Melissa Nelms As a community at Acts 2, we remember our strategy together in worship every week found in Acts 2:42 where it reads, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This perfectly...
April Fools
Easter is this Sunday, April 1. April 1 in some European and Western countries is known as April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day where people play practical jokes or spread hoaxes and often shout, “April Fool” at the victim of the joke or ruse. Perhaps the greatest...