Solitude was once our default state when other people weren’t around. Now it’s nearly extinct. With distraction always easily at hand, we are losing the ability to endure uncomfortable emotions.…
Our lives are growing more and more complex, and we are growing more and more disconnected from the things that make us human. To simplify our lives, we have to reconnect with what it means to be part of God’s good creation.
Sometimes, as we try to live a new life of freedom, it’s harder than we thought. Our new life of liberation can feel like a barren wilderness. Even in the…
Jesus invites us into a new life with God not to make us into harsh rule-followers, but into people of love.
As we come to know God and experience eternal life, God awakens us to God’s presence at work in everyday moments and invites us to get rid of everything that is holding us back.
We have two types of problems in our lives: inside and outside. We tend to focus on the outside problems, like job loss, relationship struggle, or political crisis, but we would be wise to pay at least equal attention to our inside problems, like anger, greed, and self-indulgence. When we invite God’s healing into these parts of our lives, we can experience salvation and wholeness right now.
Jesus doesn’t just save us from sin and death. He saves us for something—for new life with a greater purpose, and to share that new life with others.
Many people think “being saved” is about getting into heaven when you die. The problem with that is Jesus never talked about it that way. Pastor Mark reminds us of how the New Testament defines salvation and why that is important today.
In our desire to create the best possible life for ourselves and our families, we often struggle to make every moment a peak moment. Yet if we want more memorable…
The suffering of innocent people can be profoundly troubling, and it can be a significant source of doubt. Often, well-meaning people offer explanations for suffering that aren’t actually helpful and are sometimes even harmful. But God does not want anyone to suffer. While we will face suffering in this world, we can trust that God will always be with us in the midst of it.