When we read the Gospel of Mark, we encounter Jesus in all of his power, and through that encounter, he invites us to live in a new kind of reality--the Kingdom of God.
Technology enables us to do amazing things. Yet despite these advances, our well-being is diminishing by many measures. Too often, heavy device use leaves us feeling less human when we’re done. Jesus, however, came to give us abundant life, and he shows us how we can begin to reclaim our humanity: putting relationships before technology.
We like to think that the things we pursue are freely chosen, but we rarely realize how much our desires are shaped by the people and media we pay attention to. In the final chapter of Philippians, Paul shares the secret to being content in all circumstances and living a life worth wanting.
We live in a society obsessed with status—having the most wealth, power, or respect. Yet even when we get these things, we find that we’re not any happier. Instead, Paul teaches us to seek after what really matters most.
We like to hope that in the crucial moments of our lives, we'll rise to the occasion. Unfortunately, what actually happens is that we fall to the level of our training and preparation. If we want to become more resilient, we have to train. An ancient Christian practice helps us as we train to become more resilient and more like Jesus.
If we base our identity on our success or others’ approval, we’re going to be in for a rough time when we fail or when others are upset with us. Instead, we can ground our identity in who God says we are: God’s beloved children. When we do, we can keep going even in the midst of stress, chaos, and loss.
In the last week of his life, Jesus faced betrayal, abandonment, arrest, torture, and death. He willingly endured it all because of his passionate love for all people.
A good story can change the way we see the world, and the parables of Jesus do just that. His teachings turn the world upside down so we can experience a life of freedom and possibility.
We all deeply desire to be seen, but we're often afraid that if people knew who we really are, they wouldn't accept us. Jesus sees us as we truly are, accepts us, and helps us to see ourselves as he sees us.
Who do you want to be in 2023? God invites us into a new way of being—not just doing the right things, but being transformed to be more like Jesus. And a transformed "you" can lead to a transformed family, community, and world.