Keeping Time

November 21, 2021
Are you managing your calendar, or is your calendar managing you? What if instead of trying to manage and control time, we could keep time in a way that allowed us to receive God’s gifts throughout the year? An ancient Christian practice can help us do just that.

Come and See

October 10, 2021
The way we live is a testimony to the things we profess to believe—for better and worse. How can we live in a way that spreads hope and love? In this sermon, we explore how we can share the hope that Jesus gives through our words and actions.
There are few things more powerful than a community of people that is strong and healthy, but too often, communities are neither, focusing more on convenience, greed, and image management than supporting one another. In the Acts 2 church, we see an inspired example is possible when we become a community that gives life.

Never Alone

May 23, 2021
On Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit came and filled the followers of Jesus, and because the same Spirit is present in us, we are never alone.