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Teacher: Rev. Andy Nelms | Series: Taking the Next Step | "A2_November_5_Sermon_Podcast_11052017_EDITED__1_ (1)". Released: 2017.
Bible Text: Luke 17:11-14 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Taking the Next Step | "A2_October_29_Sermon_Podcast_10292017_EDITED__1_". Released: 2017.

I Do

October 22, 2017
Bible Text: John 12:47-49 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Who Needs God? | "A2_October22SermonPodcast_10222017_EDITED". Released: 2017.

Who is God?

October 15, 2017
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Who Needs God? | "08_Oct_2017 (2nd Sermon)".

Baby Gods

October 1, 2017
Bible Text: Hebrews 6:1-2 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Who Needs God? | "A2_October_1_Sermon_Podcast_100117_edited__1_". Released: 2017.
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:17 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Difficult People | "A2_September_24_Sermon_Podcast_09242017_EDITED__1_".
Bible Text: Philippians 4:8 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Difficult People | "17_Sep_2017 (2nd Sermon)".
Bible Text: Genesis 25:21-26 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: Difficult People | "A2_Sermon_Podcast_09102017_EDITED__1_".
Bible Text: John 8:1-7 | Teacher: Rev. Andy Nelms | Series: Difficult People | "03_Sep_2017 (2nd Sermon)".
Bible Text: James 5:7-8 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: James - The Brother of Jesus | "27_Aug_12.15.52".
Bible Text: James 4:7-10 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: James - The Brother of Jesus | "20_Aug_2017 (2nd Sermon)".
Bible Text: James 3:7-10 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: James - The Brother of Jesus | "13_Aug_2017 (2nd Sermon)".
Bible Text: James 2:14-17 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: James - The Brother of Jesus | "06_Aug_2017 (2nd Sermon)".
Bible Text: James 1:5-8 | Teacher: Dr. Mark Foster | Series: James - The Brother of Jesus | "30_Jul_10.43.21".
1 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35

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