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We face situations every day that require courage, but sometimes, fear gets in the way. What would your 2022 look like if you were fully engaged in a courageous community…
As a new year begins, we dream of all the things we’d like to do and accomplish. If we really want to have a better 2022, though, we can’t just focus on accomplishments. We have to become better ourselves.
On the day after Christmas, it’s easy to feel like things have gone back to normal. But on the day after the first Christmas, everything was different—and Jesus still makes everything different today.
Jesus came to bring light into darkness. At Christmas, we celebrate that the light has come into the world, and the darkness cannot overcome it!
There is no shortage of pain and darkness in the world. While the causes are complex, sharing love and light this Christmas is very simple: we simply have to follow Jesus’ command to love one another.
No one likes to be judged, but it’s easy to fall into being judgmental around the holidays—towards others as well as ourselves. Yet judgment and joy can’t coexist, and when we let go of judgment, we can fully embrace the joy of Christmas.
While we may long for the perfect Christmas, when things don't go according to plan, we're inevitably disappointed. But when we can let go of perfectionism, we can experience the…
This year, instead of trying to have the perfect Christmas, what if we focused on being decent to one another so that we might share love and light to all? It starts with choosing hope over hate. This week, join us as we kick off a new series—Have a Decent Christmas.
Are you managing your calendar, or is your calendar managing you? What if instead of trying to manage and control time, we could keep time in a way that allowed us to receive God’s gifts throughout the year? An ancient Christian practice can help us do just that.
A slower pace of life would be nice, but how do you pull it off? Pastor Mark gets super practical about how to slow down and actually enjoy the good and beautiful life God has for us.
How can we live THIS day in order to be ready for THAT day when we see Jesus face to face among the hungry, the thirsty, and those living in the cold? In today’s message, Pastor Mark helps us identify how we can have a simpler, fulfilling life.
Are you tired or rested? Are you anxious or at peace? Are you lonely or surrounded by love? If you want different results in your life, you must change the design of your life. This has always been true for humankind, and God made special provision for it in the Ten Commandments. This week, Pastor Mark continues our series “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by teaching on sabbath.
Have you ever tried to slow down and rest, but can’t relax? Are you busier than ever before yet you still feel you don’t have time for what really matters to you? In the second week of our sermon series, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” Pastor Mark helps us look at how we spend and use our time.
Renowned psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.” This morning Pastor Mark leads us in a new sermon series that will help us eliminate hurry and increase our happiness.
The way we live is a testimony to the things we profess to believe—for better and worse. How can we live in a way that spreads hope and love? In this sermon, we explore how we can share the hope that Jesus gives through our words and actions.