The #1 thing you can do for the health of your marriage is to become healthy yourself. So, how can we help one another become emotionally healthy? Dr. Mark Foster shares three questions to consider before getting married and biblical guidance for loving well.
The Bible is full of real people with real relationship challenges we can all learn from if we are willing to see ourselves in the stories of the people of God. Dr. Mark Foster explains the four relationship challenges from Judges 16 as we learn what NOT to do from Samson and Delilah.
C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ All that are in Hell, choose it.” In this message, Dr. Mark Foster looks at God’s will versus Jonah’s will when it comes to the people and animals of Nineveh. Much of knowing what to do starts with knowing who you are and who God is.
"Whenever we find our religious life is making us feel that we are better than someone else, I think we may be sure that we are being acted on, not by God, but by the devil." C.S. Lewis
God is ready to forgive. Are you?
In “Let's Try This Again,” join Dr. Mark Foster as he takes a look at the life of Jonah as an example of what God does, how God does it, and how to know if it is truly God or not.
The good news is we have a God of second chances and we have thousands of years of brothers and sisters in the faith leading us to the way that leads to life.
Discernment performed alone can become delusion.
How can you tell if the voice in your head is from God or from a dark place?
In “Rock Bottom,” Dr. Mark Foster takes a look at the life of Jonah as an example of what God does, how God does it, and how to know if it is truly God or not.
The good news is we have a God of second chances and we have thousands of years of brothers and sisters in the faith leading us to the way that leads to life.
Direction without confirmation is delusion. How do we know what God wants us to do? How can we confirm what God is showing us individually and for our common mission?
In “Seeing 2020” Dr. Mark Foster draws from the teaching and practice of the early church in helping us see how to discern what God is showing us. God is always speaking. Our question is, “Do we want what God wants?” or do we just “Want God to give us what we want?"
Longing for light, we wait in the darkness, remembering that God does his best work in the dark: the darkness of a womb and the darkness of a tomb. God is always working for your good.
Mother Teresa said the hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. The love we all long for has arrived, and it has a name--Jesus. But to understand the love that Jesus brings, we first have to understand what love is not. Dr. Mark Foster shares what God's love is and is not, and how the love incarnate in Jesus changes everything.
Aim at joy and you’ll miss it. Joy happens while we are busy serving others, in the quiet of a forest, or in the prayer of thanks for another day of grace from Jesus. In this sermon, Dr. Mark Foster looks at joy as described in the Bible from the prophet Ezra through the words of Jesus and the actions of the early church. If you need joy, this message is for you.
We long to find peace in the midst of struggle, and not only as individuals, but in our communities and world as well. We are called to be people of peace in a chaotic world. The good news is Jesus makes peace in this life possible. Dr. Mark Foster explores the Bible's teaching and how to live a life of peace.